This video by the Lien Foundation answers the question 'What is a Compassionate Community?' Featuring our Chief Executive Officer, Dr Manjula Patel. View the full video here - https://www.phpci.org/worldccday
Tel: 01902 826513

Enabling people to live life to its fullest whilst living with life limiting conditions or illness.
The principles of compassionate communities are applicable to both end of life care and to healthcare in general. Networks of support of family, friends, neighbours and community members are the foundation of what matters most to those undergoing experiences of death, dying, loss and care giving.
Compassionate communities are communities that provide assistance for those in need of end of life care, separate from any official heath service provision that may already be available within the community. Our support groups and services focus on enabling people to live life to its fullest whilst living with life limiting conditions or illness.
A multi-disciplinary group of professionals based in the Black Country and Birmingham, working with young people who have complex needs moving from children to adult services.
The Bridges Support Service supports people who have been diagnosed with a palliative prognosis and are at the palliative care stage of their illness.
Transition Support aids young people from 16 plus with life limiting and life threatening illness from around the Black Country and Birmingham moving into adulthood.
Meets on the first Monday of each month at The Bridge (2nd if Bank Holiday). Support for patients and their carers in a friendly and informal environment.